Sunday, April 19, 2009

Phrasebook t-shirt to help travellers

If you’re a keen traveller heading to exotic destinations this summer, then you will need these cool travel-friendly accessories which will make your journey truly enjoyable.
The first of these neat items is called the traveller’s phrasebook t-shirt. It uses the same pictograms that one can see on international signs across the globe, helping bring communication down to its most basic level. The t-shirt has a question mark sign in the centre surrounded by small signs that signify the basic necessities of a traveller such as an airport, ATM, hospital etc. The person wearing the t-shirt has to just point at the question mark followed by the place they want to go to. Available in red, black and grey for both men and women, it’s a must for smart travellers.
"I bought this t-shirt since I am planning to travel to France this summer and I can’t speak a word of French. It will not only help me around the country, but will also help me make some new friends," says Kaiser Mohammed, a businessman.
The second item that is a must for every traveller regardless of his or her destination is a combination of cargos and hooded jacket. This helps keep the valuable belongings of the person away from unwanted attention. The secret pockets of the cargos also help prevent the traveller from dropping any of his belongings by mistake.
"I bought one of these when I was on my way to Delhi. While I was travelling on the train, someone robbed me of my purse and the ticket that I had in my pockets. But luckily, I had my phone in one of the secret pockets, so I could to call my family for help," says Sidhart Mishra, an IT professional.


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